For colors for which a link is not provided below see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year.
Asbestos floor tile 1966.
This article series includes a photo gallery of pictures of floor coverings submitted for identification along with comments on findings recommendations asbestos content.
If your home was built before 1980 it may contain some form of asbestos which was used for purposes such as insulation for boilers and pipes or in siding or roofing materials for many years prior to 1980.
Asbestos is a toxic mineral which used to be employed on a large scale as a component in construction materials.
They will come in and both test the floor and remove it if it poses a health risk to you.
Photo id guide to reader submitted 1960 s asbestos containing floor tiles.
Hire a local abatement company.
Out of print hard to find 8 1 2 x 11 paper catalog 20 pages from the kentile inc.
We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with fast free shipping on many items.
1968 armstrong excelon vinyl asbestos floor tiles 9 x 9 12 x 12 residential patterns color guide.
If you can catch sight of a side of a tile see if you see any glimmering spots like crystals.
1966 kentile floors asbestos tile colors in tile catalog vinyl asphalt flooring kentile floors catalog 1957.
Asten hill manufacturing company 1945 1975 asbestos felt.
This article provides photographs of 1960 s floor tiles flooring identification requests to help identify flooring that contains asbestos.
Whether you re planning on buying or selling many homeowners worry that buyers won t even lo.
Asbestos tile 1931 1970 asbestos floor tiles 1931 1970 accobest as 474 gasketing material.
Thanks to its great mechanical properties and fire resistance asbestos was added to a wide variety of materials vinyl and linoleum included.
Besides insulation floor tiles were some of the most popular asbestos containing materials manufactured a few decades ago.
Accopac ad 8024 asbestos paper.
Limpet lw25 raw asbestos fiber 1960 1973 lk pipe covering.
Have a sample tested.
Accobest as 8073 gasketing material.
Sometimes you may not even have asbestos in it at all or it may have become inactive.
Ceramic floor tiles that are being demolished ground sanded or cut with a tile saw sometimes do contain asbestos if they are old enough to have been installed when asbestos was in common when used in grout tile bedding or in older homes with thin set tile mastic these tiles are deadly and could be hazardous and should be handled appropriately it is advised not to start cutting away.